Thursday, April 2, 2009

The believers and the non-believers

To understand the post wholly, please
Watch this video:
Then read this post :
To start with I would like to mention, that I am not sure if I believe in God or not. There is a part of me which understands science, evolution, Darwin's theory, etc. There is also the human part of me, which wants to believe that there is a supernatural being aka GOD out there looking after me always ready to help me and guide me when I need him. Personally, I feel that most people believe in him for this reason. To back up my theory I would like to mention that in Christianity, they preach about 'A Rich Man's Prayer', which explains that the rich and powerful are less like to believe in God as compared to the common man, since they can get whatever they want more easily as compared to the common man, who has to depend on powers greater than him to fulfill his desires.

Coming to the video, I don't think it is trying to show that only Atheists achieve greatness. I think its purpose was to show that EVEN atheists can achieve greatness just like any believer of GOD.

Let me remind you that I'm neither in a believer or non-believer of GOD, because personally I don't understand either concept wholly. But since you have put forth your argument in favour of the Believers, I would like to propose an argument in favour of the Atheists. There so many believers, all from different religions, and most of the religions you have probably heard of, are fighting each other, without understanding their religion and its preaching. For they believe theirs is the true religion or theirs is the only God, and several such reasons. The comical part here is that most of the religions preach the same idea, just in different languages and examples. But have you heard of atheists fighting each other over such issues??

Let me ask you? Do you really believe a piece of rock/mud/wax can drink milk or excrete milk? Or the face of God can appear on a potato or a burnt slice of bread? If you do, I'm sorry to say your education has failed you my friend. But if your answer is 'no', then aren't leaning into the realm of atheism, where GOD can't perform such supernatural acts?

In my own personal experience, there have been years when I've believed in GOD and years when I've been an atheist. What I realized was I never achieved anything by praying to GOD. But I ended up blaming him for not achieving my goals. But when I was an atheist I no longer had GOD to blame for my downfalls and short comings. It was only me.

I would like to conclude my argument saying that don't blindly believe in GOD just because people have been believing in it for centuries. Always remember that for hundreds of centuries people also believed that the sun revolved around the earth and the earth is flat. So the only being you should truly believe in, is YOURSELF.